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interior designs

Clearing out the Clutter

Is anyone else getting the Spring cleaning and decluttering bug? These past few months I have spent time minimizing the spaces in our home and clearing out the excess clutter. I don't know about you but I'm the type of person that thought this would be an easy task that could be done in a day or two, boy was I WRONG! How do we accumulate so much stuff!?!? So far I have tackled each bedroom, closet, bathroom, living room and all the kitchen cabinets in our home and only kept our essentials and must-haves; the excess has either been sold, donated or the trashed. We've been working hard as a family to minimize what we bring into our home (toys, clothes, shoes, just excess) and focus on using what is a must to meet our needs. Minimalism is the trending word for it, but I have found it to be much more than that. This process of decluttering our life and minimizing has not only made our home feel better, it has provided an even deeper cleanse within our minds and hearts. It's helped us to take a step back and refocus on what is most important to us as a family.

So let me ask you a question, are you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you own and don’t know where to start when it comes to downsizing your belongings? Have you tried to declutter in the past but felt overwhelmed, and feel like you are constantly tidying and cleaning? Here are some super simple questions to ask yourself as you begin the process; remember this takes time so give yourself grace and don't expect it to be done in a few short days. And when we say dispose of your clutter, we mean either sell it, donate it, recycle it, give it away to friends/family, or throw it away, trust me you will feel better! You can do it, good luck!!!

1. Have I used this in the last year?

* If your answer is no, it's time to donate, recycle or trash it!

2. If I were shopping right now, would I buy this?

* If it isn't something that you would purchase today and absolutely love, then why keep it?

3. Am I holding on to this item for sentimental value?

* This is a tricky one and different for each person. Be true to yourself and keep what holds dear to your heart and for the things that maybe you could go without take a picture and journal about what made it so sentimental to you. Have a plan for such memorabilia to be kept in a special place.

4. Do I have a similar item that serves the same purpose?

* If yes, get rid of one of don't need multiples of the same item :)

5. Do I have a realistic plan to use this?

*Remember, don't lie to yourself about how perfect an item would be for that DIY project or Halloween costume. Make sure you have a concrete plan to use the item, and if you don't use it within the time frame you set for yourself to use it, then toss it or donate it to someone who could use it.

6. Does it fit me or my living space?

*You may love it, but do you have space for the item or does it even work for you now? Think hard on what to keep — your space is sacred.

7. Does it make me happy, do I enjoy it? Do I feel good in it (for clothing items)?

*If the answer is no, then it is time to say buh bye!

8. Do I need this?

*If the answer is yes, then think about what function it serves and if you are using it for it's purpose.

My words of advice to you for this process are to declutter the easy stuff first. There is no reason to start with the hardest room, it will only deter you from the process and most likely overwhelm you. Once those items are boxed, bagged and ready to leave your home, don't look at them again or you'll second guess your decision. My items sat in our basement for a month before I took them to be donated and as soon as I opened that box I thought I needed them again...but I had been just fine without them for the past month! Next, stop the flow of stuff coming in. Start today by simply slowing the flow of things coming into your home. This doesn't mean that you can't buy, just don't buy in excess. You could even start to save up for those nicer purchases instead of continuing to buy those cheap items (you know what I'm talking about, we've all bought them, they are the ones that you usually end up having to buy more than once because they break). Instead save up for that one nice piece that you've had your eye on. Finally, your home is a collection of the things you love, so surround yourself with the things that you REALLY love and allow this clutter cleanse to help you to fall back in love with your space!

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